How does Plastic Pollution Impact the Health of Coral Reefs?

How does Plastic Pollution Impact the Health of Coral Reefs?

by Mardia, AMD-B’s 2023 Divemaster Internship

Plastic Pollution Poses a Significant Threat to Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are not just a beautiful sight to behold. They are living, breathing ecosystems that support a vast array of marine life. Despite covering only 1% of the sea floor, coral reefs are responsible for 25% of all marine life. They also play a crucial role in protecting coastal areas and providing employment opportunities to thousands of people in the fishing and tourism industries.

Nevertheless, coral reefs worldwide are currently under threat. The World Resource Institute projects that local human activity, global warming, and ocean acidification will threaten over 90% of the world’s reefs by the 2030s.

Plastic pollution is among the greatest threats to coral reefs, particularly concerning coral disease. According to a study conducted by Lamb et al., published in the Journal of Science, they observed that the prevalence of infection in corals was merely 4% in the absence of any interaction with plastic debris. However, introducing plastic to the reef significantly increased the disease rate, reaching an alarming 89%, representing a twenty-fold escalation.


Removing the Entangled Sack on Coral

Impact on Coral Disease

Pathogens that frequently cause disease outbreaks on coral reefs can be found in plastic pollution. Additionally, when plastics come into contact with coral tissues, they can physically harm and abrade the coral’s delicate surface. As coral tries to heal itself, plastic debris can introduce bacteria and make it expend more energy on its immune response. Moreover, plastic waste can smother the coral, covering its surface and obstructing light and oxygen. This condition can lead to anoxic conditions that favor the formation of polymicrobials and lead to black band disease.

Adopting sustainable practices and addressing plastic waste management is paramount in safeguarding these vital ecosystems. By reducing plastic pollution, we can help preserve coral reefs and ensure the well-being of marine life for future generations.


Broken Sea Fan because of Fishing Net

AWARE Week 2023 Celebration, the Symbol of Marine Preservations

Coast and Underwater Clean-ups

by Mardia, AMD-B’s 2023 Divemaster Internship

PADI AWARE Week is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and taking action to protect our marine environment. In this week-long event, AquaMarine Diving – Bali, fortunate to celebrates with various activities such as a clean-up event, Webinar, School Visit, and Conservation Education.

On 19 September 2023, AMD-B kicked off the PADI Aware Week with beach and underwater clean-up. The clean-up event was a tremendous success, with volunteers coming together to remove the debris from the coast and the ocean. Seeing the dedication and passion people contribute to protecting our marine environment is heartening. As usually we are hosting our monthly clean-up at every 4th, now we thrilled invited some of our partners and friends to be involved in our AWARE Week Clean-up event, namely:
– Coral Restoration Partner, Livingseas
– PADI Regional Manager, Neil Davidson
– Simone Tomazela
– Topi Inn Staffs

In this clean-up event, we successfully collected 13.48 kgs and 17.44 kgs of debris from the coast and our adopted site, The Jetty and The Mushroom Point. The clean-up event plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of marine life. By removing trash, we are creating a cleaner and healthier ocean for all living creatures.


AWARE Week 2023 Beach Clean-up

The Second 2023 Blue Project Webinar Talk

In addition to the clean-up event, we hosted a webinar titled “A Century to Urge Ocean Conservation” on 22 September 2023. This webinar provided a platform for passionate marine conservationists to share their experiences and stories about their work. Egi Pamungkas (Indonesia) and Giulia Pellizzato (Italy) were exceptional speakers who captivated the audience with their extraordinary efforts and unwavering commitment to ocean conservation. Their shared knowledge and expertise shed light on the urgent need to protect our oceans and inspired individuals to take action in their own lives.


AWARE Week 2023 Webinar

Engaged the Rural School to their Nearest Local Sea Turtle Conservation Community

On 23 September 2023, as part of our community outreach, we visited SD N 5 Saba, a local school in Gianyar. During the school visits, students learn about plastic pollution and the significance of protecting turtle habitats. After the class, we took the students to the Saba Asri Turtle Conservation, where they had the opportunity to release the baby turtle. These hands-on experiences not only educate but also leave a lasting impact on the students, encouraging them to become ambassadors for ocean conservation.

We are incredibly proud to celebrate PADI Aware Week and raise awareness for the health of our oceans. The clean-up event, webinar, and school visit were all significant endeavors that contributed to our mission of protecting and preserving our marine environment. By working together, we can positively impact and ensure a healthier future for our planet.


AWARE Week 2023 School Visit

Being EcoDivers to Support Climate Crisis Success

Eco-Friendly Divers

by Ara, AMD-B’s Environment Officer

For most scuba divers it is self-evident we should be concerned by what we are facing beneath our oceans. As ocean users, the least we can do is be responsible for ensuring our behaviour has minimum negative impact and follows eco-friendly practices. The ‘Climate Change Crisis’ is very high on the list of priorities AND everyone is able to makes changes anytime, anywhere.

Why are scuba divers boldly geared up to be Ocean Ambassadors?

  1. Coral is the most diverse, complex, rich, and valuable ecosystem which also contributes an enormous amount of oxygen (a lot more than trees) and supports our life resources.
  2. Divers have the privilege of exploring the underwater realm. Despite the fact we can’t control what other people do, we can demonstrate to non-divers who cannot see the ugly journey of our waste. Over and above, human destructive behaviour always ends up using the ocean as their landfill.
  3. Divers are witnesses of how our planet is becoming devastated. When the ocean is destroyed, it will give domino effect to our daily life, it also applies in vice versa. What scuba divers see, and pass on, helps the public to understand and visualise what we shouldn’t do AND what we can do to help our planet.

This century’s technological sophistication help us to simplify into intelligible information for the public by using social media.

The ‘ocean issues’ divers mostly find are:
– Coral cover degradation,
– Ocean destructive waste,
– Diminutive biodiverse fishes.
These are the indicators where we can see how powerfully land activity impacts coastal areas.


Why destroy; why not preserve this beautiful nature?

How does all of this integrate with land residents behaviour?

First, humans throw away their solid non-degradable waste in uncontrollable amounts. Nowhere in Indonesia does the local population have an adequate waste management programme. There is no regional or government collection. So, where do you think it will all end up? It will accumulate in one place, over a long period of time, then it rains and so the debris moves, piece by piece slowly to the nearest rivers – and everything that goes to river will be end in the ocean.

Second, liquid household waste that contain hazardous ingredients that can jeopardize water and soil. Which again! it will finally run into the ocean.

Third, coral degradation can be caused by many things such as destructive land-waste, unsustainable fishing, misleading ‘reef-safe’ sunscreen ingredients, bad in-water activity behaviours, and the most important climate change: A rise in ocean temperature causing coral bleaching.


Eating plastic “jellyfish” kills turtles – turtles are a key species to control ocean balance.

PADI’s ‘Adopt the Blue’ is a path to restore corals at sites where major coral decline has occurred. The goal is to create a new spawning and nursery ground for marine creatures.

AMD-B is also committed to ‘Dive Against Debris’. The programme provides an excellent network to expand what divers have done and record those efforts to then publish on our social media.


AMD-B’s Monthly Commitment to ‘Dive Against Debris’

Here I help the summary!
All human lives depend on the ocean – The oceans depend on our on-land behaviour – Scuba divers have help protect our ocean barriers! (Of course everyone can lend a hand. There are millions of things non-divers can also do to make our ocean and planet better protected).