AquaMarine Diving – Bali: Terms and Conditions
Payment Arrangements
Direct Bookings by Individuals
For Dive Safaris a 50% non-refundable deposit is required at least 30 days prior to arrival in Bali. Deposit to be made by Bank Transfer or PayPal (a 7.5% surcharge applies with PayPal). All fees to be covered by you, the guest.
The balance due must be paid to AquaMarine Diving – Bali on or before the first day of your scheduled trip. Payment in Bali may be made by credit card (we accept Visa, MasterCard and AmEx with advance notice) and cash.
Special conditions apply to some packages such as Best of Bali Dive Safaris which require a deposit of 25% within 10 days of making a reservation with the balance (75%) to reach us 60 days or more prior to start date of chosen trip.
Day Dive Trips may be paid in advance or upon pick up. Cash or creditcards (Visa/MasterCard) accepted. Please remember creditcards attract a 3% surcharge in Indonesia. Your driver will collect your payment and provide you with your invoice/receipt.
Group Bookings: Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions will vary according to trip(s) selected. Terms and conditions are detailed on individual itineraries.
“Beyond Bali” Bookings: Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions will vary according to trip(s) selected. Terms and conditions are detailed on individual itineraries.
Cancellations & Changes
Before Arrival in Bali
AquaMarine Diving – Bali will consider each cancellation on its own merits and may refund all or part of the deposit made, less administration fees. AquaMarine Diving – Bali is not obliged to make any refund of deposit. After arrival in Bali: No refund.
Day Dive Trips
If you cancel your Day Dive Trip later than 17:00 the day prior to your scheduled trip: Full Day Trip fee apply. Our office is open from 08:00 to 18:00 daily. Phone: 4738 020.
Cancelling dives during the day due to feeling unwell or tired: Guests not wanting to complete their total allocated number of dives will not be refunded, ie. if a guest books two dives and decides to only complete one dive.
Changes to Reservations
Please contact AquaMarine Diving – Bali as soon as you know you need to make any changes to your scheduled trip. If you choose to amend your Safari programme, every effort will be made to accommodate the change however additional fees may apply. We will do our utmost to accommodate your requests.
If guests are unable or choose, for any reason, not to use any/all/part of the pre-booked services, there will be no reimbursement nor are those services transferable.
Loss of, or Damage to, AquaMarine Diving Equipment
On any trip with AquaMarine Diving – Bali (Day Trips, Safaris, Courses, 1 Day Intros, Snorkelling, etc.), each participant is responsible for all and any equipment supplied by AquaMarine. Any damage or loss will be charged for. A receipt will be provided, upon request, for the repair/purchase of the new item(s).
AquaMarine Diving – Bali strongly recommends that you have travel insurance that covers scuba diving, including cancellation coverage. We also strongly recommend travel cancellation insurance.
Keep in mind that although you are covered by our insurance whilst diving with us in Bali, if you plan to dive elsewhere or in the future, it’s a good idea to have your own diving insurance. We recommend DAN Insurance who provide insurance for divers in different regions. Be sure to sign up from your own region/place of residence and include AquaMarine’s referral code (S00028) to assist DAN in tracking information about how, where and why diver’s sign up.
You can choose between 10 and 30 day policies as well as an annual policy.
Proof of Certification
AquaMarine Diving – Bali requests that you bring your certification card and up to date logbook with you. In the event that you have lost your certification card, please contact your certifying agency (PADI, NAUI, etc.) to ask for a replacement. If they are unable to issue a replacement in time, please forward to AquaMarine a copy of the confirmation correspondence from your agency.
Information on This Website
Please be aware that, at times, information stated on this website may be inaccurate: Prices may have changed, dive destinations added/no longer on offer, package details changed. AquaMarine Diving – Bali will endeavour to keep the website updated and to adhere to information on the website, but it may not always be possible.