PADI Women’s Dive Day

Women’s Dive Day Matters for Women in Diving

by Fahmi, AMD-B’s 2024 Divemaster Internship

PADI Women’s Dive Day (WDD) is an annual event that celebrates and promotes the involvement of women in scuba diving. Started by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), this day represents a commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women. Since it began in 2015, PADI WDD has become a global movement, bringing together divers of all genders to honor the achievements of women in diving and to encourage more women to explore the underwater world.

Representation (empowering)

By showcasing women in diving, PADI Women’s Dive Day serves as a powerful platform where women’s talents and achievements are recognized and valued within dive communities. This representation is crucial as it highlights the diverse contributions women make to the field, from marine biology and underwater photography to dive instruction and environmental conservation. Celebrating these achievements helps to empower women and ensures they receive the recognition they deserve.


Breaking Down Barriers

Scuba diving has long been seen as a male-dominated activity. However, PADI Women’s Dive Day challenges this view by showing that women can and do thrive in the diving community. By putting the spotlight on female divers, the event helps to break down gender barriers and promotes inclusivity. This shift not only encourages more women to take up diving but also creates a more welcoming and diverse environment within the sport.

Inspiring Future Generations

One of the most significant impacts of PADI Women’s Dive Day is its potential to inspire future generations. When young girls see women excelling in the diving world, they gain role models who show them that pursuing a career in diving is not only possible but also rewarding. This inspiration can lead to young women dreaming big, whether it’s becoming marine scientists, professional divers, or underwater explorers.

Creating a Supportive Community

PADI Women’s Dive Day also creates opportunities for women to connect and support one another. By sharing experiences and building networks, female divers can form a supportive community that fosters growth and development. This sense of camaraderie is essential for both personal and professional development, providing a space where women can learn from each other and gain confidence in their abilities.

Promoting Confidence and Leadership

PADI Women’s Dive Day encourages women to be confident and to push boundaries in a traditionally male-dominated field. By celebrating women who have succeeded in diving, the event challenges stereotypes and demonstrates that women are just as capable of achieving greatness. This recognition helps women gain confidence in their abilities and can inspire them to take on leadership roles, ultimately contributing to a more balanced and diverse diving community.

100% AWARE Partner for More Than a Decade

AMD-B has been a 100% AWARE Partner for More Than a Decade

by Mardia, AMD-B’s 2023 Divemaster Internship


As a business that heavily relies on the ocean, AMD-B understands its moral responsibility to protect and conserve the well-being of the undersea. As dive operators, we recognize the critical role we play in offering the opportunity to experience the never-ending beauty of the ocean while promoting environmental and marine conservation.

To fulfill this purpose, AMD-B has been an ardent 100% AWARE partner for over a decade. We actively promote a thriving and bountiful ocean by contributing donations to Project AWARE on behalf of every student who is certified through PADI PIC Online with us. Moreover, every student certified with us receives the Project AWARE version of their PADI certification card. This allow students to proudly display their support and cherish their positive experiences for a better ocean with us.

We have also dedicated our company to becoming a PADI Eco Dive Center, supporting conservation through PADI AWARE Adopt The Blue to increase awareness of conservation issues and take responsibility for their resolution. The ‘Blue Project’ serves as the foundation of our Eco Dive Center. Through this initiative, we actively support conservation efforts by adopting dive sites, undertaking reef restoration, and organizing regular beach and underwater clean-up events.

100%-AWARE-Partner-Beach Cleanup

This year, we are thrilled to share the significant progress we have made in our conservation endeavors. We have installed 45 hexagonal reef stars, providing a habitat for marine life and contributing to reviving marine ecosystems. Additionally, we have successfully restored 810 coral fragments, aiding in the recovery of fragile coral reefs. Furthermore, in our ongoing commitment to reducing marine debris, we have made substantial efforts in our adopted sites, Padangbai Beach, The Jetty, and Blue Lagoon. As of 2023, we have removed 120.325 kgs of marine waste and 129.23 kgs of coastal waste.

As a PADI Eco Dive Center, we strictly adhere to the environmental guidelines set by PADI and Green Fins. We aim to minimize our impact on marine ecosystems by following sustainable diving practices. We take great pride in our marine conservation efforts and ensure that our dive operations have a minimal ecological footprint.

At AMD-B, we firmly believe that education and awareness are key drivers of change. In addition to our conservation efforts, we have conducted community outreach programmes in local schools to raise awareness about ocean protection and educate students about the importance of preserving our oceans. Moreover, we have collaborated with local organizations to further our cause. By joining forces, we can amplify our impact and work towards a sustainable future for our oceans.


AMD-B 24th Birthday

Diving Into 24 Years of Adventure: AquaMarine's Journey to Excellence

by Mardia, AMD-B’s 2023 Divemaster Internship


On this special day of 18 September 2023, AquaMarine Diving – Bali is filled with immense pride and joy as we celebrate the 24th anniversary. AquaMarine has been dedicated to providing unparalleled diving experiences, discovering stunning underwater worlds, and advocating for marine conservation for over two decades.

Starting as a very small, but passionate, company in 1999, AquaMarine has grown into one of the most reputable diving companies in the industry. Throughout the journey, we have always aimed to exceed expectations by prioritizing safety, professionalism, and adventure for the guests.

AquaMarine is also committed to ocean sustainability through the Blue Project. This initiative aims to connect and appreciate the marine environment by raising awareness about preserving the ocean and its inhabitants. Through beach clean-ups, underwater clean-ups, campaigns, educational initiatives, and collaboration with local communities, we strive to positively impact the marine ecosystems we explore.


The director, Annabel Thomas, expressed her disbelief that it’s already been 24 years since the company opened. However, she also shared her wishes for the future, including the staff’s professional development, continued support for the local dive community, providing excellent service for guests, promoting Bali’s phenomenal diving, and sharing the beauty of the underwater world with as many people as possible.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of AquaMarine’s loyal customers and dedicated team members. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the trust, enthusiasm, and belief in our mission. Together, we have made countless memories and formed lifelong friendships. We are excited to continue exploring and sharing the beauty of the underwater world with everyone. Here’s to 24 years of excellence in diving and many more to come!
