Shark Attack

Shark Diving in Indonesia

Looking for some shark-y Indonesia diving? AMD-B ‘Beyond Bali’ Dive Travel Consultants would be delighted to put together the best possible arrangements to enable you to visit one – or all! – of the below Indonesian dive destinations! You can contact them on


Komodo, Raja Ampat, and Bali

Catsharks in Komodo: Night-diving will increase your chances of encountering them as they’re nocturnal hunters.

Carpet aka Wobbegong sharks: There are multiple Raja Ampat dive sites where you can encounter Wobbegongs. You’ll see them lying on the bottom (including in caves) – hence the name ‘carpet’ – and are pretty cool with ambushing their prey. Also expect to see Grey and Black-tip reef sharks.

Reef sharks at Mimpang/Tepekong, Bali: You can see them out in the open, and sleeping in caves and under table corals. They’re very timid so please don’t harass them.


West Papua, South Lombok, and Alor

Whalesharks in Cendrawasih Bay & Triton Bay, West Papua: You can visit either location whether you’re on a liveaboard or on a Day Trip from a resort. At most dive destinations, Whaleshark sightings are considered rare however these Whalesharks appear to be resident. However, you do need to know where and when to visit.

Hammerhead sharks at ‘The Magnet’, South Lombok: You’ll need gloves and a reef hook! Hammerhead season here is July to October; the currents can be VERY challenging however it’s worth it – “schools of hammerheads” should be on your bucketlist!
Hammerheads are also seen in the Banda Sea on their seasonal, migratory routes.

Thresher sharks in Alor: This one is like hitting a jackpot! There are multiple, seasonal records of schooling Thresher sharks in Alor but remember that sadly these days they are endangered and pretty rare.
A non-profit foundation registered under the Indonesian government has been established to pass on to the local populations that these creatures are at a high risk of extinction. Want to come and try your luck?


Note: The majority of the dive sites where these big pelagics are usually encountered can have quite challenging currents. We suggest you get an Advanced certification (dive to greater depths) and – perhaps more importantly – your Drift Dive specialty before proceeding on your Indonesia Shark Diving Adventure.

Diving with Mola Mola (Ocean sunfish)

Diving with Mola Mola (Ocean sunfish)

In the past, aggressive divers routinely disturbed Ocean sunfish at cleaning stations. This resulted in them spending less time near shore and greatly limited the number of sightings. Records from the early ‘90s show that Mola-Mola were seen in far greater numbers, were more at ease, and remained stationary at cleaning stations for longer periods. This allowed divers to enjoy their natural behaviour with longer encounters with the mysterious Ocean sunfish.

AMD-B’s Mola-Mola Code of Conduct is designed to provide an enjoyable and safe diving experience while ensuring the lowest impact on Bali’s Ocean sunfish. The aim of our Code of Conduct is to ensure they can settle onto cleaning stations without being disturbed. Once settled, they remain for longer periods offering better quality interaction for divers. We hope they can rebound to their previous high numbers.


Mola-Mola CoC Relevant to AMD-B Divers

If Mola-Mola are entering the cleaning station, do not approach until cleaning has begun and they are stationary for minimum 1 minute.

Maintain a minimum of 10 metres when MM are approaching the reef and not yet cleaning.

When at the cleaning station, maintain a minimum of 3 metres from the closest Ocean sunfish.

You will remove mucus protecting it from infection.

Approach Mola-Mola slowly within its field of view.

Do not swim behind an Ocean sunfish as this can startle it.

Do not swim under an Ocean sunfish as your bubbles may disturb cleaning behaviour.


Do not block its escape route off the reef or pathway onto a cleaning station (it will leave!).

If a Mola-Mola approaches, remain still.

Do not use flash photography.

Do not make loud noises (including tank bangers and similar).

AquaMarine restricts group sizes to a maximum of 4 divers and 1 guide. For more than 1 group, entries will be staggered to avoid overcrowding.

To be courteous to other divers, AMD-B will restrict viewing time to 5 minutes when other groups are present.

Always follow the directions of your AMD-B dive guide.

Our Nusa Penida trip is now focusing on Mola-Mola sites. So, if you are aiming for Mola-Mola this year, contact our Dive Travel Consultants and get yourself signed up. In addition, make sure you don’t miss out our Mola-Mola special offers.

Mola-Mola (Ocean sunfish) in Indonesia

Mola-Mola (Ocean sunfish) in Indonesia

The massive Ocean sunfish (Mola) is a unique and odd-looking fish. Mola are the world’s heaviest bony fish, reaching up to 1,000kg, and can have 300 million eggs. With their flat, tail-less body, they are not only the world’s largest bony fish, but also one of the most elusive fishes in the world. Sunfish develop their truncated, bullet-like shape because their back fin simply never grows; instead, it folds into itself as the enormous creature matures, creating a rounded rudder called a clauvus.

Their two long dorsal fins mean Mola-Mola can be 3.5m in height but, although they have rounded bodies, they are very narrow when seen from front/back (“mola” is Latin for ‘millstone’).

Mola-Mola in German is ‘schwimmender kopf’ = floating head; in French, Poisson Lune (Moon Fish). In fact, most languages have a name for Mola-Mola (some make more sense than others!).


WHERE in Indonesia to see Mola-Mola

Bali: The most likely place in Indonesia to see Molas. They are seen off the east coast of the mainland, and around the offshore island of Nusa Penida.

South of Komodo: The site is actually famous for Manta rays however sunfish are sometimes also seen.

Pantar Strait, Alor: Molas come up from the very deep waters to get cleaned and can be found lying flat on the surface.

WHEN to see Mola-Mola

To write from personal knowledge and experience, I’ll focus on Bali’s Mola which I believe are in Bali’s waters year-round (recorded as deep as 360m).

Mola suffer from external parasites (up to 40 kinds!) which need to be removed by ‘cleaner fish’. The cleaner fish live much shallower on coral reefs.

Therefore, from July to mid-November, Mola-Mola drift up on the incredibly cold, but very fertile, upwelling from the 3.5km deep Bali Trough off Bali’s southern coast, to get cleaned. That is how we are able to see them at recreational diving depths.

Seven days from now, our Nusa Penida trip will be focusing on Mola-Mola sites. So, if you are aiming for Mola-Mola this year, contact our Dive Travel Consultants and get yourself signed up. In addition, make sure you don’t miss out our Mola-Mola special offers.

HOW to see Mola-Mola

Despite their size, if they don’t feel safe, Mola won’t come close to the reef or approach the schools of fishes waiting to clean them.

If you see a Mola (or 4) or your AquaMarine Dive Guide spots one (or 7), just stop moving. At that stage, do not try to approach the Mola, two flips of those long dorsal fins, and they will be gone!

You need to stay really, really still, close to the reef. Let the fish come closer, settle on the reef, and go into their Cleaning Meditation. Once a Mola finds a place to get cleaned, it tips 45 degrees upwards, and often slightly sideways, and genuinely seems to go into a trance.

When that happens, usually you and your group, rather than the Molas, will be the first ones to leave as you are limited by maximum bottom time, or air supply. Plus the water can be very cold.


Movement and Diet

Mola are clumsy (but fast) swimmers, waggling their large dorsal and anal fins to move and steering with their clauvus.

Ocean sunfish mainly eat jellyfish – obviously in huge quantities! – so plastic bags pose a big hazard to them (this also applies to turtles).

Protection for Mola-Mola (Ocean sunfish)

The Coral Triangle Center (CTC, a non-profit organization engaged in Coral Reef Conservation) has proposed to the Indonesian Government to include Mola as one of the country’s Protected Animals.

PS: I’ll let you into a little secret – ssshh! Here in Bali we actually have Mola alexandrini rather than Mola-Mola, but “Mola-Mola” is so much more fun to say and it’s used Bali-wide.