WAOW Liveaboard, Indonesia

Beyond Bali

Bali-Only Newsletter


July - September 2024 Bali eNewsletter

Message from Annabel

I hope your 2024 is going well and that you’ve already had some great diving (I know I have!).

Blackwater diving
The AMD-B Team has noticed an increase in requests for Blackwater Diving. I mean: Requests from people wanting to try it for the first time and for those with previous experience. What are your thoughts? Let us know on Info@AquaMarineDiving.com – we look forward to hearing from you 🙂

2024 Mola-Mola (Ocean Sunfish) Season 🤙
By AMD-B’s calculations, Bali’s 2024 Mola-Mola season will be starting around 18 June.

‘2024 Best Dates for MM Spotting’:


We have a Special Offer for a MM Day Trip and for a MM Safari (diving/accom package) 🙂

AMD-B’s Mola-Mola 2024 Specials
And, if you’ve not heard it before – I’ll let you into a secret … Bali actually has Mola alexandrini rather than Mola-Mola, but “Mola-Mola” is fun to say and used Bali-wide.

Blog: Bali’s Mola-Mola

AquaMarine turns 25 Years Old!
– and what I’d give to personally be 25yo again!

Seriously though, it’s been a heck of a ride 🙂 I know I often say this but – I couldn’t have done it without the support of my entire team.

As someone recently wrote to me “Loyal staff, trained by AMD-B, who recognise the need to deliver top-notch service – and do”.

Looking for Bali Diving inspiration?

Check our ‘Best of Bali Dive Safaris’ (aka BoB!). These dive/accommodation packages are fantastic value, with great diving and accommodation. We have 13, 8 and 7 day programmes. Fixed start dates, and guaranteed departures with a minimum of 2 divers. The itineraries include shore- and boat-diving, a wide variety of dives: walls, wrecks, reefs, drifts, with opportunities for macro and wide-angle photography. You’ll see fantastic hard and soft corals, great density and diversity of marine life – from large pelagics such as Manta rays and Mola-Mola (Ocean sunfish) in season, to the tiniest juveniles and pygmy seahorses.

AMD-B’s Blog!

We’ve ‘upped our game’ and have been Blogging more frequently. Different members of AMD-B staff (including past Interns 🙂) have contributed. We have therefore covered a wide range of topics including ‘The Ladies Porter Association in Tulamben’, Tulamben Bay, Raja Ampat, and ‘Bali’s Topside Activities’ – there are quite a few more!

Click HERE to check it out for yourself!

Bali eNews-only Specials

Specific Days Special Offer

Bali-Only-Specific-Days Special-Offer

PADI Women’s Dive Day (Sat 20 July) & PADI AWARE Week (Sat 14 – Sun 22 Sept)

This year is the 10th annual PADI WDD – to support this worldwide event, AMD-B has a Special Offer for all Female guests aged 8yrs and above for Fri 19 – Mon 22 July!

Sat 14 – Sun 22 September, come and celebrate PADI AWARE Week 2024 with AMD-B!

Join us to “do some good!” – and take 3 PADI AWARE Specialties!

The day starts with a Padangbai Beach Clean-up, then 3 dives to get your PADI PPB + DAD Specialties

DID YOU KNOW: AMD-B’s list of Special Offers for other ‘International Days’ is HERE!

AMD-B News

AMD-B Merchandise

Get an AMD-B Limited Edition Freebie when you book any Dive Trip!*
Choose one freebie from the following.
Also available to buy 🙂

*T&C apply

Blue Project by AMD-B: Be Ocean AWARE


The ocean is a vast and intricate part of our planet. It is home to millions of species and is an essential source of food, livelihoods, and recreation for billions of people around the world. However, despite its importance, the ocean is facing numerous threats, including climate change, marine debris, overfishing, and etc. To address these challanges and protect the ocean, it is important to be an Ocean AWARE.

As divers and ocean enthusiasts, we can all do our part to be Ocean AWARE. By learning more about ocean conservation, we can better appreciate its beauty and value. By understanding the threats facing the ocean, we can take action to reduce our impact and help protect marine life. And by being responsible divers and ocean stewards, we can help ensure that future generations can enjoy the wonders of the ocean.

2024 PADI Divemaster Internship


Progress Update by Fahmi:

I have been steadily progressing through my PADI Divemaster Course. I have been getting more involved in our dive trips, learning to navigate dive sites, to something like offering tips to students. These experiences are helping me grow more comfortable and confident in my role.

The highlight is when I was diving in the Menjangan area with Ketut, Senior PADI Instructor, and Annabel, owner of AMD-B. In addition to Wall-diving at Menjangan Island, I tried muck diving for the first time. Spotting not one, not two, but 3 Thread pipefishes (Kyonemichthys rumengani aka Lembeh seadragons) was an incredible experience. Their tiny size and excellent camouflage were fascinating, and I was amazed by Ketut’s ability to find them.

We’re aiming to finish my Divemaster course by this month. The guidance and tips from the instructors and guides have been invaluable, making this journey manageable and enjoyable. I’m looking forward to completing the course and taking on new challenges.

All Special Offers for Bali Diving Must be Booked in Advance

Special Offers on this page are for diving in Bali.

  • Bali Diving Specials on this page must be booked in advance.
  • You can book any time to dive in the months shown.
  • Monthly special offers for diving in Bali are valid for the entire month unless otherwise specified.
  • Only for new bookings; available for single divers with min 2 participants.
  • Subject to space/Instructor availability; excludes gear rental (unless stated otherwise).
  • PADI Specialties do not include diving fee or gear.
  • Accommodation (where stated) is double/twin share; subject to availability at time of booking.

Beyond Bali Offers

Read our Beyond Bali eNews for Discounts, Free Flights, Free Diving and more for diving throughout Indonesia.

Bali-Only Newsletter



Many PADI courses can be done online and this is an ideal way for you to learn. It is entirely flexible for those with busy schedules and you can commit as much or little time to it as you would like. It's also a great way for you to improve your knowledge of diving during the times you cannot dive, with PADI eLearning you don't have to wait until your next dive to improve your diving.